Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Month Down, Three More to Go...and then Some...

So, school's been in for like, a month. I haven't been doing so well. No actually, I've been doing great. So far all I've got is a 3.7 GPA, although I'm striving for that four-point-oh (that I've never, ever, once in my life been able to accomplish for an end-of-the-year report card). My flaw? Math. Math, it seems, has always been my downfall. Except, you know, when I was in elementary school and 600s on CSTs were possible. Math used to be my best subject, and ironically, now it's my worst. (But then, that was before math became Trigonometry/Math Analysis/Precalculus...) Before last week, I had a C (plus, I might add) and I could rant forever (<-- hyperbole; English is one of my favorite classes) about my teacher and classmates.

Okay, so my teacher has a grudge against the non-Magnet kids in the class. He has a grudge against my old Algebra 2 teacher (who I happened to think was awesome, but a bit slow in teaching), and he basically has a grudge against everyone. It isn't fair. He does group tests, table tests, and individual tests, and in that class, I feel like it's a game for him. I feel like we're game pieces to be moved around and to be manipulated solely for his entertainment. Being used is, well, in a spiritual sense, good, but in this case, nu-uh, unacceptable! He makes groups of students and sometimes he will deliberately put A students and F students against each other. Talk about a mental death-match! It's survival of the smartest in the class, and unfortunately, math is not my forte; I don't stand a chance. So in order to survive, I work with a system of symbiosis. It involves commensalism and slight parasitism. In the class, I work my nights away (ahaha! no double entendre there >.>) to produce excellent homework -- honestly, this is the one class where I have extraordinary work habits (not normal!) -- only to come in on Fridays and bomb the test.

So...maybe I'll admit that my lack of skill in the areas of math is my major flaw. No matter what, the tests get me Cs, except for last week, where I got a B. (Rejoice! I now have a B in math...but just barely.) Working with a group is hard, and they possibly get pissed off when you bring down their grade (the B lowered one of my groupmates' grades) but it's totally helpful and beneficial to those who don't do as well. I'm thankful. I don't know what to do though...I need a tutor. (Yikes!)

I'm in quicksand. I'm in a path of a downwards-spiraling corkscrew. I really don't like math.

Oh, and to add to the growing list of grievances against my teacher, I have a friend who's blind. Usually, the teachers allow him to get the tests Brailled, but this time, this math teacher didn't. He wanted my friend to "experience how the students in the other groups feel when they get their tests". Am I crazy, or is this discrimination? No, that's not how the other groups feel, because when they get their tests, they can break sections off and work by themselves. They understand what they're supposed to do when they get their test. In my friend's case, one of his group members has to read him the test. As a result, they were slower than usual...although they got a B. Darn genii! (<-- that's the correct plural for the word "genius", by the way.)

Gah, I know I'm ranting, but what say you? Like math? Think it's fair or unfair? Tell!

The shoe is just like me. Screwed. 

It looks fancehh. 


  1. man, you totally fooled me with that picture of a pretty screwed shoe!!! anyway, i totally believe it's discrimination for your teacher not to provide a braille version of the test. it's a handicap (no offense or pun intended) to the group because time is ticking away when all they're doing is reading the problem to the blind team member. so unfair. and the teacher took advantage of it. (maybe to plan revenge?)

  2. "He wanted my friend to 'experience how the students in the other groups feel when they get their tests.' Am I crazy, or is this discrimination? No, that's not how the other groups feel..." because the other groups can SEE the problems in the exam, and break off sections.
