Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Effect of Procrastination...nothing too important

day 21| describe your sleeping arrangements: bedding, stuffed animals, whatever
* I have a full-sized bed, except it's reduced to less than a twin because I have a pile of unused blankets and clean and/or dirty clothes taking up half of it.
* I have four pillows (two are some sort of faux-tempurpedic), one of which I use. 
* I sleep with two blankets. One's a sheet, the other's some red velvety fabric. 'Tis warm.
* The bed sleeve thingy is coming off the corner, so I sleep with my head at the foot of the bed. I sleep away from the headboard. Sometimes my pillow falls off the edge, and I don't notice. 

day 22| catharsis time— let something or someone go
* ...I just took a precalc test today. Another group test, in which we finished first. Kay, I'm not worried anymore. :) 

day 23| something irrational that you think or do
* I have a fear of some of my peers. 
* Example time! Two days ago, when it was raining, my friend's green-haired, heavily-studded, metal-head-looking sister walked with my friend. She doesn't freak me out, but I got shy, so instead of taking the short route to my bus stop with them, I resolve to walk through the mud in a (pretty, but not pretty when it's gloomy out) park...and take the long way, while carrying relatively heavy books and backpack. Lucky it wasn't raining while I was walking. 

day 24| pick an album and do nothing but listen to it- no multitasking allowed.
* Album? -hides number of YouTube downloads- o.o

day 25| tell someone something you wouldn’t ordinarily share
* The outside of my house looks really old and crappy, but the inside (while messy) is wonderfully and inspirationally colorful. 

day 26| put something in every single formspring/ask on your dashboard
* I can avoid this question, because there's nothing in my formspring, at the moment. 
* In a totally non-conformist attitood, I can claim that I knew about formspring and tumblr before the mass population started using it. (I don't have a tumblr.)

day 27| bake something and share it
* Here, have some burnt brownie with roasted peach pits I mistook for almonds. (This actually happened, by the way...I'm a disgrace to cooking and all household activities in general, save TV-watching.) 

day 28| call a grandparent or relative that isn’t expecting your voice
* It's not 9 o'clock yet. I can't make free phone calls across the country at the moment. Unless of course I yell into the still and empty air the name of a relative. 

day 29| write a haiku or make a friendship bracelet or start a creative endeavor
* I start NaNoWriMo in a month! I'm preparing. You can find out about YWP's NaNoWriMo here and find my excitement about it here, and my complaint about losing here. (My posts are all from last year, by the way.) Obviously, I don't learn lessons the first time they come around. That, or I'm really optimistic and determined. Pick one. ^_^

day 30| reward yourself with something frivolous.
* Omigawsh, COOKIE! nom nom nom nom! 

day 31| jump on a tumblr bandwagon just for today
* Que? -knows nothing about tumblr, cept it's another blogging site- 

day 32| photo of yourself at least ten years ago
* >_< Maybe some other time...

day 33| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
* Removed from my life, or an effect of my life? ("Out" has over 70 definitions...)
* I think it's the latter.
(In no particular order!) 
* Academic Success
* Servitude
* Purity

day 34| most current photo not taken on webcam (play around and dress up if you want!)
* Again, maybe later. 

day 35| photo of your favorite body part
* Uhh... Dangit! I'm too lazy to get out a camera right now!!! :( 

day 36| photo of one of your scars
* Look at "day 35"

day 37| take a flattering photo focusing on something you don’t feel is flattering.
* Haha. I do photography too, but again, maybe later. 

day 38| list five things you’ve lost and wonder where they might be
* Dear socks, please find your solemates (haha! see what I did there?). I need you guys to be together, so please work out your differences and move back in with each other in my sock bag (because I'm too awesome for drawers). 
* My math skillz. Where be they? 
* Oh where, oh where has the time gone?
* I lost one of my mom's slippers a few months ago. One's under my bed. I haven't told her, but we're still looking for the other one. (If you find it, please tell me? It's black and it's soft.) 
* I no longer have a complete collection of my Harry Potter books... 

day 39| most stimulating thing you’ve learned this week
* 2000 teenagers try to take their lives every day...

day 40| a question about the world that you can’t figure out
* "Why do people hurt people to show that hurting people is wrong?"

day 41| favorite word
* This is easy. And, I have two. 
* de-fen-es-trate: to throw someone out of a window (rt. French)
* hip-po-po-to-mon-stro-ses-quip-pe-da-lio-pho-bia: the irrational fear of long words (this be the very definition of the word "oxymoron")

day 43| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
* I was kinda ... sad when I was seven. 
* Backstory! When I was like seven or eight, (around the time of the Wickes 2006!) commercials, I believed I wouldn't make it until 2008. It was one of the biggest things I was afraid of when I was younger. 
* I would tell my seven-year-old self, "You won't die. You'll make it to high school, and it'll be glorious, because people actually like you." Then, I'd give myself a hug. 

day 44| kill, bang, marry, chill of your choice
* o.e Ohh this brings back a really horrible time when I wrote sappy poems about some guy. And then another scandalous-ish time...

day 45| have you any superstitions?
* None.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Month Down, Three More to Go...and then Some...

So, school's been in for like, a month. I haven't been doing so well. No actually, I've been doing great. So far all I've got is a 3.7 GPA, although I'm striving for that four-point-oh (that I've never, ever, once in my life been able to accomplish for an end-of-the-year report card). My flaw? Math. Math, it seems, has always been my downfall. Except, you know, when I was in elementary school and 600s on CSTs were possible. Math used to be my best subject, and ironically, now it's my worst. (But then, that was before math became Trigonometry/Math Analysis/Precalculus...) Before last week, I had a C (plus, I might add) and I could rant forever (<-- hyperbole; English is one of my favorite classes) about my teacher and classmates.

Okay, so my teacher has a grudge against the non-Magnet kids in the class. He has a grudge against my old Algebra 2 teacher (who I happened to think was awesome, but a bit slow in teaching), and he basically has a grudge against everyone. It isn't fair. He does group tests, table tests, and individual tests, and in that class, I feel like it's a game for him. I feel like we're game pieces to be moved around and to be manipulated solely for his entertainment. Being used is, well, in a spiritual sense, good, but in this case, nu-uh, unacceptable! He makes groups of students and sometimes he will deliberately put A students and F students against each other. Talk about a mental death-match! It's survival of the smartest in the class, and unfortunately, math is not my forte; I don't stand a chance. So in order to survive, I work with a system of symbiosis. It involves commensalism and slight parasitism. In the class, I work my nights away (ahaha! no double entendre there >.>) to produce excellent homework -- honestly, this is the one class where I have extraordinary work habits (not normal!) -- only to come in on Fridays and bomb the test.

So...maybe I'll admit that my lack of skill in the areas of math is my major flaw. No matter what, the tests get me Cs, except for last week, where I got a B. (Rejoice! I now have a B in math...but just barely.) Working with a group is hard, and they possibly get pissed off when you bring down their grade (the B lowered one of my groupmates' grades) but it's totally helpful and beneficial to those who don't do as well. I'm thankful. I don't know what to do though...I need a tutor. (Yikes!)

I'm in quicksand. I'm in a path of a downwards-spiraling corkscrew. I really don't like math.

Oh, and to add to the growing list of grievances against my teacher, I have a friend who's blind. Usually, the teachers allow him to get the tests Brailled, but this time, this math teacher didn't. He wanted my friend to "experience how the students in the other groups feel when they get their tests". Am I crazy, or is this discrimination? No, that's not how the other groups feel, because when they get their tests, they can break sections off and work by themselves. They understand what they're supposed to do when they get their test. In my friend's case, one of his group members has to read him the test. As a result, they were slower than usual...although they got a B. Darn genii! (<-- that's the correct plural for the word "genius", by the way.)

Gah, I know I'm ranting, but what say you? Like math? Think it's fair or unfair? Tell!

The shoe is just like me. Screwed. 

It looks fancehh.