Sunday, September 12, 2010


I know "blog" stands for "weblog"...I have no idea what Glogster is about.

Glogster is a site where you can blog using posters. It's almost like scrapbooking, which I am really excited about. Having hard copies of stuff would be cool though...

Hmm. I might just use the thing to decorate and frame my photography...
What say you? Writing vs. Images?

Grr! Major (Major) Catching Up to Do!

Yeah, yeah. Nothing uuber personal; got it.

I got really lazy, and forgot this existed. Veery cool, yeah? Er. No.

day 01| belief specific of your childhood
* I didn't really have an imaginary friend, and if I did, I kept renaming it, so it never really had a name. But no, I just talked to myself. I still do. Trust me, I'm not crazy; It's just a bad habit. 

day 02| how you feel about God and religion
* I get "high on God meds." 'Nuff said. (In other words, yes, I am a Christian; I cannot live without Him, and it's amazing being in God's presence.)

day 03| five concerts you wish you attended
* I'm not a concert-type of person. :D

day 04| four moments that changed your life
* I won't go into detail. (But, can't they be events, rather than just moments? Hmm...It's my post. I vote yes.) 
* Proof of advanced smartitude, 2001
* A relationship, 2007-2009
* An Encounter, 2008
* An Apology, 2010 ♥ 

day 05| something that makes you smile
* Good times and seemingly-normal-but-are-actually-really-funny moments that become memories that last a lifetime. ♥

day 06| someone that makes you really happy
* A friend. (Lol! Vague! ;D )

day 07| something that turns you on
* If I were a robot, the answer to this question would be a remote control. ^_^ 

day 08| favorite fruit
* Mangoes. Lychee? Cherimoya? x__x Gaahh! Can't decide...
   I obviously like tropical stuff. :D 

day 09| something you’re looking forward to
* This epic book report assignment that my English teacher just assigned. I gotta wait 'til Monday so he can approve the book I picked out. (Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson. Teen reading that doesn't involve smothering drama.)

day 10| something you want to improve in your life
* Starting tomorrow, no procrastination! :D 

day 11| a non-academic book you plan to read in the next month
*I started Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (You know, the one that became a major motion film starring Saorse Ronan?)

day 12| favorite article of clothing
* My shoes. I don't have to wash them, and no one gets mad if I leave them on the floor. 

day 13| a song to describe the weather or your current mood
* 2 AM, Anna Nalick. Why? That's just the time, currently. 

day 14| favorite book you’ve read academically
* Fahrenheit 451!

day 15| a movie that makes you cry
* I cried watching Despicable Me. I cry really easily in movies. (To think I used to make fun of people for it;; Karma.)

day 16| something you’ve been putting off— and do it
* Homework. -grumbles- I'll do it later. Do you really expect me to do my homework at 2 AM? 

day 17| a question you hate to be asked
* "Why are you so young?!"

day 18| describe a daily ritual
* I open the laptop and push the power button. 

day 19| ten things you love about your body
* Ooh...toughy. Do I have to?
* Hmm... I like my eyes. 
* I have a favorite mole. It's one on my neck that I didn't know existed until last year...
* I have long-ish legs....
* This is weird, and awkward.
* Er...I like the pigmentation in my skin? o.o
* Collarbone. 'Nuff said. 
* I'm only halfway done...
* I really like the nails on my middle and ring fingers, only.
* I can trace a line from my left hand to my left cheek, playing connect-the-dots with my moles. 
* Someone told me I have a mushroom nose. I'm not sure what this means. I shall take it as a compliment, simply because I don't have anything much more to say. 
* Regardless of how crappy my hair actually is, it's usually soft. 
* Last one!
* I have long fingers. 

day 20| pick something indulgent and treat yourself
* Chocolate mousse + fancy restaurant + abroad. 

Eh, I'll do the rest later.