Thursday, December 9, 2010

Confessions from a, who cares

Hi (wow, seriously, you are so...friggin' generic)
'Ello (in the UK)
G'day (in Aussie)
Jambo (in Swahili)
Gutentaag (I have no idea where this is from, but I don know it's some sort of greeting)
Mabuhay/Kamusta (In Tagalog)
Hola (from los paises hispanohablantes, yes, I'm aware I'm missing an accent mark...I'm just too lazy to put it in right now.)
Ni hao (From all them Chinese people)
Ohaiou/Konnichiwa (Good morning/Good afternoon, for those who speak Japanese)
Anyonghaseo (this is what you say to the nice waiters at KBB houses, yum)
Bonjour (from France)
Aloha (Hello. Love. GOODBYE. From the lovely Hawaiians)

There. You've seen how to greet people from around the world, but unfortunately I've forgotten a few (I used to know 11 different languages in which to say simply, "hello") but the backstory behind this blog is that I was procrastinating (like usual, nothing new there) and I was watching some fluff-headed guy named nerimon on YouTube and he did this thing where he got a bunch of confessions from his watchers and he just sat there for 20 minutes reading them and making a video of the best ones. I am inspired. So...I must make a list of confessions. Nothing too personal though. I'm awkward.


1. In my head, I am currently speaking in what I think is an as-perfect-as-it-can-get British accent. It's like...the same accent Kate Nash and Alex Day use. It's missing t's and a whole bunch of other letters.
2. I am currently procrastinating.
3. I like to write on my hands. What's on them right now are the phrases "Ayoko ng Torpe...Pero gusto kita." And the thing that's really cool about them is that on my left hand (written by my right hand) it's purple. (The ellipse separates the hands, by the way.) And on the right (written by, obviously, my left hand, it's blue.) And the epic thing is, because I'm taking such a long time getting to the that I'm ambidextrous (thought my left-hand writing isn't as good) but the words look amazing.
4. I sort of have an obsession with grammar...regardless of the language. No seriously, I correct my Spanish teacher sometimes.
5. I write poetry.
6. I've been working on a novel for like, a few years, and I've always had to quit and start over again.
7. I failed NaNoWriMo again this year.
8. I have three pianos at home.
9. I've lost the floor in my bedroom.
10. Some people might think that I practice lesbianism with my best friends. This is not true. Actually, I don't know what it's doing on my list of confessions if it's not true. I'm just saying, that's what's going around, and I'm dismissing the rumours.
11. I just had to edit out the word "awesome" in the above, because people from the UK don't say "awesome" and my inner accent didn't agree with it. I mean, why would they use the word "awesome"? It's such an American thing to say.
12. My celebrity crush is a vlogger on YouTube.
13. The first novel I ever read was Harry Potter when I was maybe five or seven.
14. I was really...friggin' emo when I was in primary school.
15. I'm trying not to make this a sad list. It actually takes a whole amount of effort.
16, I am seriously worried that some of the people I interact with on a regular basis would think I'm...somehow...abnormal, if they ever read this list. Not my friends at school though; they'd totally expect this from me.
17. This is...uh wow, this is embarrassing, but I once compared my life to Harry Potter and another time to Twilight. It was all this nonsense about how characters in my life were just like the characters in the books and that it's like the authors were thinking about me and my life, but setting them in another they're different  This was in fifth and seventh grade, respectively.
18. I used to have lines from the second Harry Potter movie memorized.
19. I have lines from Finding Nemo memorized, and when we watched it in school when I was in the sixth grade, I pissed the heck out of half the class.
20. In the sixth grade, I was the tallest, but youngest student in the class.
21. I tried hiding a relationship that lasted two years from my mum. (I broke up with him via instant message...while he was offline...because I was overseas when I did it.)
22. When I was younger, I had this morbid fear that I would somehow get into a freak accident and die before the year 2008. I'm here now, and I still can't believe it. (I think it had something to do with the Wicke's until two-thousand-six commercials on the radio.)
23. I have a fear of accomplishing milestone things, because I sort of think, "Well what if I get to where I want to go? What then?)
24. My favorite color is green.
25. I used to say that my cousin and I (she is eleven years older than me, by the way) were twins.
26. I didn't know what the Internet was until maybe two-thousand-seven.
27. Yes, I still capitalize the word "Internet".
28. I am currently wondering how long this list will last.
29. I secretly enjoy doing those stupid little tests where they have lists with random things and boxes that look like this: [] and you mark an  "x" in them if those things apply to you. People today call them "MySpace surveys".
30. I don't have any advanced placement classes this year, and I'm regretting it. I think it's one of the stupidest things I have ever done, and it's also one of the most important things in my academic life that I've put the smallest amount of thought into.
31. In the seventh grade, I got on a report card, a fail, in what arguably could have been the easiest class I had that year: animation.
32. I have a friend whose a Satanist. Her name is Rainbow.
33. Despite the former, I'm a Christian, fully serving and whatnot. Y'know, this is actually a big aspect in what currently is my life, so I figured it had to go in here somewhere. Oh and look at that! I literally did not plan this, but this confession just so happens to be number thirty-three. It's missing a digit, which would be a three, but you get the point.
34. I absolutely hate shopping. A few friends of mine dragged me to go shopping, and I think I cried in the elevator going, "How could you do this to me?"
35. It depends on what sort of shopping it is. I mean, I went to Barnes & Noble once, and I went so crazy that I started calling all my close friends, as if I was telling them of some epic achievement that I'd accomplished.
36. It pisses me off when people say "could of" (ah, it made me gag to type that, even with quotation marks around it) instead of "could've". Yes, I know some readers don't recognize it as a word, but if you're going to put it in a contraction, you might as well include the correct words it comes from: "could" and "have".
37. I honestly don't think that anyone will sit in front of their computer or their mobile phones or whatever and read through this entire list. It's too long. I think I'm just doing it for the sake of my own enjoyment.
38. My favorite flowers are lilies, camellias, and certain types of daisies that people don't usually recognize as daisies.
39. I hate roses. Well, not hate. I don't like them. I think they have giant egos.
40. I talk to myself, answer myself, and laugh when I say something funny.
41. When I say "lol" I actually do, usually, laugh out loud like some sort of idiot.
42. I haven't had a legitimate home-cooked meal from my mum since maybe earlier this year. I dunno, we go out for dinner all the time. It's a wonder how I'm not packing on pounds.
43. I love photography. And poetry. And writing. And scrapbooking. And drawing. And painting. And some forms of music. I like to think of myself as an artistic person, though I don't think I have any skills of my own. (Acting seems a bit overexposed to me. I don't know. It's just not the same.)
44. I have a friend (actually, he's my ex, but we're still friends) who gets excited (no innuendo intended) whenever I do something remotely girly. For example, curl my hair or dress up for some occasion.
45. I dislike partaking in athletic activities.
46. I skipped a grade. Kindergarten. It really isn't big of a deal.
47. The word "I" is written about 83 times in this blog, which isn't much of a blog.
48. I wish I had brothers and sisters. Maybe then,  I wouldn't have to talk to myself all the time.
49. I used to think that I'd fallen asleep when I was four years old and lived six years of my life through some dream, and I'd wake up any day now. (This dream has been extremely vivid.) Actually, I'm still quite afraid of that.
50. I really wish that I could go on longer, but really, I've taken up enough of our time.

If you've made it all the way through and you're reading this, you must have great patience, must actually, genuinely like me, or you just skipped to the end to see how long this would last.